Temporary Staff

Looking For Temporary Summer Staff? We Can Help You!

Summer is just around the corner and being able to handle increased customer volume during peak season can be difficult. Using Temporary Summer Staff can help with this.

The influx of more people coming in and out of the country creates a lot more demand for staff, and your current employees will be taking well deserved annual leave to relax and unwind. This coupled with greater levels of employment in the marketplace can make it very challenging to find the right number of employees to do various types of jobs.

Work expectations can easily be managed if you prepare your business in advance. This is why many businesses are opting to use temporary or seasonal workers to help cover the shortfall of permanent staff during the holiday season.

How Can Our Temporary Staff Support Your Business?

All types of businesses rely on summer workers to help reduce the overall workload. As an employer, you may be reluctant to use workers on a short-term basis, but contrary to what people may think, temporary workers can offer a plethora of benefits.

More Skills & More Staff

During busy months, companies of all sizes often find themselves overwhelmed and understaffed. By looking for temporary summer staff and hiring them, with a niche skillset, the individual can hit the ground running and get stuck into work with little delay. This is especially true when you use Excel Recruitment’s staff who are efficient, professionally trained, and willing to work well with your current full-time employees.

A New Or Differing Perspective On Projects

Not only can temporary workers help teams get back on track, but they usually have plenty of experience working in different ways and in different positions for many organisations. As a result, many temporary workers have great ideas and can often introduce better ways of working which can boost productivity long after they move on to their next temping position.

Preventing Staff Burnout

Summer employees give your full-time workers a break so that your regular employees come back refreshed after holidays and ready to jump back into work.

We’re Here to Help You

If you are looking for temporary summer staff or wish to have a confidential chat, Excel Recruitment can help you. We carefully screen all of our employees, and we always try to match companies with temporary staff who are professional and knowledgeable within the industry. If you would like more information, you can email Ciara Connolly by clicking here.

tax system changes

Tax system changes explained: How does it work for temporary workers?

As a temporary worker, you may have noticed that this year, Revenue has made some big changes to their PAYE system- changing the way people can register new employers and claim tax back.

Every year thousands of individuals end up either overpaying their tax or not claiming their warranted tax returns. Revenue say this was because the old system was too complicated and confusing. In the new system, which was rolled out in January, all your tax issues will be dealt with online and the old paper forms such as P60, P45, and P30 don’t exist anymore.

What is myAccount?

MyAccount is the new online tax & revenue system which makes it easier to update your personal details, review your tax affairs, and make payments and apply for tax reliefs and incentives. With details on what you’re paying in income tax, universal social charge (USC), PRSI (pay related social insurance and income tax rate for the staff member), local property tax, pension etc. which are updated by employers on a monthly basis. You can now view all these submitted details (which were previously given to you on your P45 forms when you left a job) and have a more accurate up-to-date view of your tax situation.

What does this mean for you?

Basically, instead of getting lots of various forms or having to wait long periods for amendments/ band adjustments to your tax credits when you start a new job, all of your tax needs will be adjusted and managed in you myAccount. All you have to do now is set up for a myAccount with your Personal Public Service number (PPS), date of birth, a phone number, email address and home address, and all your details will be available to you on your account.

Requesting end of year statements

The steps to Requesting end of year statements are as follows:

  1. Sign in to myAccount
  2. Select ‘Review your tax 2015-2018’ on the ‘PAYE Services’ card
  3. Select ‘End of Year Statement (P21)’ for the appropriate year.

How to claim back Tax using myAccount?

A P21 is if you are claiming tax back for the previous year. In case of making any tax claims, you only need to sign into your myAccount, request a P21 (End of the year Statement), which you’ll receive within 5 working days, fill a Form 12 and submit them. You will then either directly get the claim deposited in your account (if your bank details are entered in your profile) or receive a check in the post. It can be used to claim tax back if you have left the country and have gone at least 6 weeks.

For more information please visit: https://www.revenue.ie/en/online-services/services/register-for-an-online-service/register-for-myaccount.aspx or contact your Revenue Office.

seasonal staff

Important Skills for Seasonal Workers

Temporary work, especially coming up to the Christmas season, can be a really exciting and fun experience. Not only can working during this busy period earn you extra cash for your Christmas presents but there are loads of other benefits such as networking, learning new skills and filling gaps in your C.V But this type of seasonal work is undoubtedly busy and will require you to have certain skills and personality traits.


While seasonal work offers you a lot of flexibility and control over your schedule, you also have to offer your potential employer flexibility in return. There is no point applying for positions in busy restaurants if you only want to work Friday mornings. The ability to adapt to your employers needs will get you noticed, in a good way.

Ability to work under pressure

It goes without saying that Christmas is a busy time, especially for those in hospitality and catering. The ability to work under pressure and roll with the punches will make temporary seasonal work not only easier but also far more enjoyable.

Quick learner

Again, Christmas is a hugely busy time for most in the hospitality industry. While most employers will offer temporary staff full training, the ability to pick up the basics and adapt quickly to the company’s culture and way of doing things will mean you settle into the job much quicker and be able to give it your best.

Friendly manner

Just because Christmas is a busy time doesn’t mean normal rules go out the window. Being friendly, courteous and engaged is vital in any job but especially within the hospitality industry.

Your ability to remain customer focused during particularly hectic parts of the day will definitely be noted, and appreciated, by the employers.

Positive Thinking

Although the focus at this time of year is on Christmas cheer and being merry, everybody knows it can be a stressful time. The ability to deal with issues and/or complaints without letting them affect the rest of your shift, or even your whole day will mean you will be even more successful in your temporary role.

Temporary and Seasonal Job Interview Questions

A job is a job, whether it’s temporary or permanent. Employers who hire seasonal workers look for the same qualities they seek when hiring long-term employees. Attitude, professionalism, and a good work ethic are all crucial in landing a job. Hiring seasonal employees is fairly similar to hiring anyone else, and you can normally expect the usual set of interview questions. However, at the same time, there are a few key differences that separate seasonal and permanent positions and the same inevitable questions for temporary jobs will always creep up.

Why are you in the market for temporary employment?

This question will almost definitely come up in every interview you undertake for temporary work and you shouldn’t be put off by the employer’s frankness at asking it. Make sure you develop a convincing answer avoiding any responses that may tend to make you sound less than reliable.

Are there any gaps in your résumé?

Gaps are a standard thing in even the most experienced CV’s and they arise for numerous reasons which employers understand. However, a lot of seasonal workers look for jobs cyclically with the idea to try and make extra money around the holidays and if they are previously familiar with temporary employment. The point to stress is that seasonal employees need to be reliable. No-one wants to be stuck with inadequate staffing. You will be asked to explain any CV gaps. Be honest, as a recruiter or employer will immediately see through you if you aren’t. They will notice the gaps and chase you on the dates from the offset so be honest from the beginning, highlighting why and how the gaps arose and emphasising your ability and reliability towards the job.

Choose responses that pinpoint your professionalism.

Employers are looking for the candidates most likely to get up to speed quickly with little or no difficulty. Act as professionally as you would if applying for a permanent, career-enhancing position, and don’t be shy about highlighting your experience. Some people have a tendency to overlook and under prepare for temporary or seasonal jobs.

Clearly outline your level of schedule flexibility.

Hospitality and Retail are the main sources of seasonal employment and are often the most demanding, customer focused and fast paced jobs possible. They require constant customer communication, thus flexibility is imperative considering the influx of customers throughout the extended busy period and how all types of consumers need to be catered too. Often when hiring, the employer will give a guideline of the rough hours of work, most commonly being evening and weekends. If you cannot adhere to these, or have very little flexibility it is not worth your time. What employers want is someone who is either fully flexible or able to abide by the agreed hours. Not being honest will only lead to contention down the line and a bad rapport between you and employer.

Use examples that demonstrate your ability to learn quickly.

Job seekers who can easily adjust to new work environments and swiftly get up to speed in an unfamiliar setting are exactly what employers are looking for. In your interview answers, choose past experiences and scenarios that illustrate this and your instant adaptability and ability to the job.

Long term availability

Temporary work, for the most part is for a fixed term and like name suggests, is just temporary. However, there is often a possibility that particularly promising temp staff may be offered permanent positions after the busier period cools down. Most temps would be enthused at the possibility of a long term and permanent job. Subtly skew your answers to this in the interview if you feel that the interviewer would be receptive towards these. However, remember that for the majority of the time, temporary work will only be for the agreed period.


The Benefits of Temporary Work

Companies are still remaining cautious about hiring staff on a permanent basis and temporary roles and contracts have seen a particular sore in popularity, particularly suiting seasonal employment (Christmas, Summer Sales etc. ) Temporary employment can suit people for many reasons particularly those in the interim of finding something more permanent where both employer and employee are happy where they stand on a temp. contract. Here are a few reasons why temporary jobs can be of a major benefit to you.


The most distinct and major advantage to temporary work is the flexibility it caters for. At all times you remain in control of your career and often it is easier to maintain the flexibility that daily life requires around this. It’s important to remember that as a temporary employee you still have rights and are entitled to benefits like sick pay, holiday allowance and regular pay. You are also required to be given the same quality of working conditions as your permanent colleagues. Unlike a more traditional role, temping can afford you with greater flexibility and control over your schedule. You can choose to work in short term, long term, or contract assignments to fit in and around your chosen lifestyle.

Fill your CV.

Often employers can be overtly and unfairly critical of extended periods of unemployment. Keeping relevant skills fresh is imperative for career progression and taking on a temp. role allows for these to stay up to date and close any gaps in the interim. Maintaining a solid timeline of employment where possible can give you a competitive advantage in the job market.


The company you’re temping with may not have a vacancy when your assignment ends, but if you have made a good impression, you may leave with solid references. These connections may lead to other longer term positions in the future. Whether it’s for references or meeting like-minded people who may be able to help you further down the line, temping can really lengthen your contacts book. Word of your work from a reputable and esteemed reference can pitch you in front of another candidate even if they pitch you in experience. While temporary contracts can seem unfavourable to some, the connections made may favour you towards permanency. Many temporary jobs can lead to permanent positions, particularly if you prove yourself to be invaluable to the company

New Skills

Temporary assignments may allow you to quickly learn new skills, be exposed to a range of systems and procedures, and trial different companies and industries to see what is right for you before committing to a permanent role. By spending time temping across various roles you can learn new skills and see how different companies operate, making you far more employable and really enriching your CV.