Excel's best bits 2019


2019 saw us enter our 17th year in business and was truly one of our biggest and most exciting years to date. We’re proud of everything our team has achieved this year and just want to thank every client, candidate, supplier and most of all each our team members who have made all our achievements possible. 2020 is already set to be even bigger for us but before we launch into the next decade, we want to take a moment to reflect on some of our biggest successes this year. So, here goes….

Named the first Ireland’s Innovative Supplier at the Hotel and Catering Gold Medal Awards

Accepting the award for Ireland’s Innovative Supplier

Crowned Best Recruitment Provider at the Checkout National Retail Supplier Awards- for the fifth consecutive year!

Won Best Specialist Agency at the National Recruitment Federation Awards

Opened brand new offices in Dublin city centre

Opened our first ever offices in Cork and made plans for Naas and Galway in 2020 (stay tuned!)

Jetted off to Portugal for some team bonding with paddle boarding treasure hunting around Lisbon

Launched our new Pharmacy division and welcomed senior recruiter Barbara Kelly to our team to lead our newest division

CEO Barry Whelan presented to the REI Retail Retreat and REI HR forum on recruitment and retention

We increased our team by 14 and now employ 40 consultants and support staff, an increase of 13 in 2019

Opened the Irish Barista Academy in partnership with Skillnet affiliated to tackle the staffing shortages resulting from Ireland’s booming coffee industry

Developed our online training facilities to better reach more people than ever with our world-class training facilities

Featured in the Irish Times, the Irish Examiner, ShelfLife Magazine and Hospitality Ireland magazine

Travelled to Korea to tackle the chef crisis becoming the industry leaders in the Chef Permit programme

Director Shane McLave and consultant Brian Nixon with Adrian Cummins of RAI in Korea

Streamlined all our HR recruitment into a specialised HR recruitment division headed by Sean Thomas

Again, thank you to everyone who made all the achievements above possible. Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas, particularly all the hardworking retailers and hospitality staff working over the next few days, and best wishes for the new year! Onwards and upwards for 2020!